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Fill in the form at the right and we'll get back to you faster than weeds grow in your garden.

3 Hawthorne Blvd
Salem, MA, 01970
United States

(978) 745-0065


The Class

The Green Witch School of Herbalism Curriculum

This program is the first step in the journey into Gaia's green garden. The course is one weekend per month for 9 months, from March to November and takes place in Salem, Massachusetts at Artemisia Botanicals. It is a time to grow the seeds of interest and education that were planted even before you entered your training. 

While it is an intensive course of study, we hope it will be the beginning of a lifetime of sharing plants and their gifts to us.

Learn to make tinctures, oils, salves, electuaries, and other healing compounds. The class also includes:

Field Trips and Weed Walks

Herbs as Food

Flower Essences

Erotica Botanica



Rituals of Healing

Herbs and Children

Next Course Open to Applicants: 2016 March-November